Relational Network Tool – DAM {2018}

The Relational Network Tool is a digital mapping and networking tool developed in Genk -but spanning internationally- in 2018. The initial drive for developing such tool was motivated by my imminent departure from Genk and Belgium, and therefore the end of my collaboration with the project De Andere Markt (DAM); confronted with this situation, I set myself to develop, in collaboration with other researchers involved with DAM (most notably Liesbeth Huybrechts and Mela Zuljevic) a digital tool which could remain even when I was not there anymore. Furthermore, throughout the work developed in Genk, we noticed how many initiatives and projects taking place in the city were often left in oblivion and there was little continuity between initiatives.

The site is hosted in and it remains active for researchers, creatives, citizens, organisations or any other agents working in projects in the city and/or loosely related to DAM. It was programmed by BMK Solutions.

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