It is what it is {Master Thesis, 2013}
Since I started my master graduation project (September 2012) I knew I did not want to write a traditional and scholarly academic piece of writing. I wanted to do something like a magazine, of which I would be the main author and editor. This is the publication that I produced.
It is divided in 5 ‘booklets’. The first one is called Occupying borders and is maybe the most theoretical one, for I attempt to frame my practice as dialogical designer and my position as a social designer to work on such a project. The second one is called The Other Market, and it documents the research made around the practical phase of the graduation project, which carries the same name. The third booklet is an A2 sized map of art and design projects which work around markets in the world. The fourth booklet is called Other voices, and it includes dialogues I had with different artists and experts, as well as dialogues I had on the streets with ordinary people. The last booklet is the literature used. You can download freely the pdf in HERE. Feel free to share, always acknowledging authorship.